
For the best in cosmetic dentistry you won’t find another dental practice in Laguna Hills like Saddleback Dentistry.

Striving to offer patients the best of the best, Dr. Dean Garcia, Dr. Ryan Conkle and Dr. Jeff Buizastrow have the education, training and equipment to completely change the look and feel of your smile. What’s more you won’t have to wait for months to get there.

Same Day Cosmetic Dentistry with BruxZir®

If you follow the Saddleback blog you will recall the convenience of BruxZir®. BruxZir® is a same day solution that provides patients with crowns, inlays, on-lays, tooth colored fillings and other types of cosmetic dentistry restorations in one dental appointment.

While most people are excellent candidates for BruxZir®, you will need to schedule an appointment with Saddleback Dentistry to be sure.

In addition to BruxZir® this dental practice in Laguna Hills can also provide you and your family with dental bonding.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is simple and fast cosmetic dentistry solution that everyone is suited for. With cosmetic dental bonding Dr. Jeff Buizastrow, Dr. Ryan Conkle, or Dr. Dean Garcia are able to change the shape and color of teeth.

For example, if you have always disliked that gap between your teeth cosmetic dental bonding can fill small spaces to match the rest of your smile.

In addition bonding can also be used to lengthen teeth and alter the color. In certain circumstances the doctors may also use bonding for small fillings in the fronts of teeth as well.

Enamel Shaping

Enamel shaping is another cosmetic dentistry procedure that Saddleback Dentistry is able to complete in one dental appointment in Laguna Hills.

This procedures requires a tiny bit of removal to give the tooth the desired shape. Often used with dental bonding, enamel shaping can literally change the look of a tooth to compliment the rest of your smile.

Talk to Dr. Ryan Conkle, Dr. Dean Garcia or Dr. Jeff Buizastrow about this one day cosmetic dentistry procedure.

Of course Saddleback Dentistry also offers other types of cosmetic dentistry and while they won’t be completed in a single dental visit, they won’t take forever either.

Some of the products that your Laguna Hills doctor may recommend include:

  • Implants
  • Veneers
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Inlays/Onlays
  • Tooth Colored Fillings
  • Orthodontics
  • Clear Removable Braces
  • Oral Appliance Therapy
  • Gummy Smile Repair
  • Bonding
  • Enamel Shaping
  • Complete Mouth Makeover

Cosmetic Dentistry Laguna Hills

If you are unhappy with how you look in the mirror schedule an appointment for cosmetic dentistry. It really will make a difference to your confidence.

Send a direct message and make an appointment with Saddleback Dentistry in Laguna Hills today.